COVID Policy Updates
Updated: February 26, 2022. Effective: February 28, 2022
(Updates in BOLD herein.)
Studio 22 will continue strictly adhere to the guidance issued by the Governor of Illinois, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) pertaining to all youth recreational sports, known as the Sports and Safety Guidelines. This guidance supersedes all previously issued rules or policies enforced by Studio 22.
At this time, Studio 22 is governed by the policies defined in the Sports and Safety Guidance. As of the publishing of this Policy Update, certain activities, including those conducted within Studio 22, fall within the Sports and Safety Guidance exempt status from the Cook County Department of Health mandatory vaccination/proof of vaccination requirements. Please note, this local guidance is being updated daily and is subject to change based on state and local guidelines and regulatory changes. In the event it is determined that proof of vaccination is required to participate in the Studio 22 activities, this policy will be updated and immediately distributed via Newsletter and on the Studio 22 website. Studio 22 reserves the right to change this policy in accordance with mandatory guidelines at any time and without notice.
What to expect of the Studio 22 Facility?
All Dancers must pre-register for class/audition, no walk-ins permitted.
Hand sanitizer will be available in every room.
All studio spaces will be cleaned and sanitized.
Only registered participants are permitted to enter the facility- No parents/guardians/adults are allowed at this time. Parents should not enter for any purpose unless in event of emergency. If a parent/guardian needs to speak with Studio 22 staff or deliver anything to Studio 22 staff, they should call the front desk at (847) 376-8340 and a staff member will meet you outside or at your vehicle.
Dancers are not permitted to remain in the facility during class breaks exceeding 15 minutes in duration. All dancers must exit the facility in between non-concurrent classes and are permitted to re-enter five minutes before their next class begins. Dancers who have back- to-back classes are not required to exit the facility.
What to expect of the Studio 22 Staff?
Any staff member who feels ill will be required to stay home.
Any staff member who is in close contact with, tests positive for, or believes they may have COVID-19 will follow all CDC protocols.
What we expect of Studio 22 Dancers?
Prior to entering the studio, each registered dancer MUST complete the online waiver linked at the top of this page. No dancer will be permitted entry to Studio 22 unless they have completed the online waiver.
Any dancer who feels ill or shows any potential COVID-19 symptoms should not attend class or enter the facility. Any dancer who knowingly enters the facility with potential COVID-19 symptoms may be subject to temporary or permanent dismissal from their registered classes/teams/rehearsals.
Dancers will cooperate with all quarantine and virtual course policies as outlined herein.
Protective face coverings are optional beginning February 28, 2022. Families are encouraged to discuss whether or not their dancer should continue to wear a face covering while in the facility.
COVID- POSITIVE Individuals:
Dancers who test positive for COVID-19 (regardless of vaccination status) shall quarantine pursuant to the below:
If positive AND asymptomatic: Quarantine for 5 days from positive test and continue to diligently wear a mask around all individuals for 5 additional days. Any dancer who falls under this category may return on Day 6 (from date of positive test).
If positive AND symptomatic: Quarantine for a minimum of 5 days from positive test. After the 5 days, dancers may not return until symptom free for over 24 hours. Dancers should continue to diligently wear a mask around all individuals for 5 additional days after ending their quarantine. Any dancer who falls under this category should communicate with Studio Director, Jackie Graney at to determine end return to studio.
COVID Exposure Notification Policy:
Studio 22 will continue its contact tracing notification policy. If any dancer is deemed to have been exposed through “close contact” to COVID-19 while in the facility or at a studio sanctioned event, Studio 22 will immediately notify any individual(s) who may have been in contact with said positive individual. Individuals will be notified via email with their Studio 22 membership login email.
Any individual notified will be subject to the Quarantine Policies as set forth below.
COVID Quarantine Policy: Potential Exposure at the Studio
Studio 22 will continue to strictly follow all quarantine guidelines as promulgated by the CDC and IDPH. The guidelines below are based on the CDC and IDPH definition of “close contact”. For youth sport purposes, “Close contact” is defined as: living in the same house as a COVID-19 positive individual, being within 6 feet of a COVID-19 positive individual for longer than 15 minutes in a 24- hour span. Pursuant to the exposure policy above, if you are notified that your dancer has been exposed, we ask that they continue to follow all necessary quarantine and testing procedures as outlined by the CDC and Illinois Department of Public Health. See
COVID Quarantine Policy: Exposure Outside the Studio
If your dancer is deemed to have been in a close contact event with a COVID- 19 positive individual outside of the studio or a family/household member tests positive for COVID-19, your dancer should follow all CDC/IDPH guidelines for quarantine and testing (while considering vaccination status) before returning to the studio. See
Any dancer who needs to quarantine pursuant to this policy, should immediately contact Studio 22 at
COVID Virtual Course Policy:
Virtual classes will only be permitted for dancers required to quarantine under the COVID-19 guidelines set forth above and pursuant to the below criteria.
High Tek Dancers: If required to quarantine due to COVID-19, only team practices will be streamed via Zoom. Please notify your coach immediately for a practice link. Links are not guaranteed if notification occurs less than 24 hours before the practice time. For all other courses (technique, acro, ballet, etc.), dancers will be required to attend an in-person makeup course upon their return to the studio. Individuals will be assigned makeup courses by their coaches.
Company 22 Dancers: If required to quarantine due to COVID-19, only group rehearsal will be streamed via Zoom. Please notify your instructor immediately for a rehearsal link. Links are not guaranteed if notification occurs less than 24 hours before the rehearsal. For all other courses (technique, ballet, PBT, etc. ), dancers will be required to attend an in-person makeup course upon their return to the studio. Individuals will be assigned makeup courses by the Company 22 staff.
Recital Dancers: At this time, recital courses will not have a virtual option. Instead, if a dancer misses 2 or more recital courses due to COVID-19 quarantine, they will be given an option to attend a make-up course at the studio upon their return. All make-up options will be approved by the recital Instructor and Studio Director, Jackie Graney. All recital make-ups will be handled on an individual basis and notification of quarantine should be made as soon as possible to
We ask that you discuss these policies and the importance of following these policies with your child before they attend any instruction at Studio 22. We understand this is a time of transition and we appreciate your cooperation. If your dancer is not willing and able to comply with the rules set forth above, we respectfully ask that you do not attend instruction at this time. We will continue to update our policies and procedures in accordance with state guidelines and keep our dance families apprised of same. If you have any questions, please contact Studio Owner, Jackie Graney at