Senior All Stars FAQ's
2023-2024 Season
How is Studio 22 Senior All Stars IHSA Compliant?
The Studio 22 Senior All Star competitive season will align with the competition season guidelines promulgated by IHSA. Specifically, Studio 22 will ensure no competitions or competitive routine performances occur during prohibited times of the year. Further, all specific competitive routine practices will align with IHSA guidelines. More details to be distributed upon selection of the team.
What are the season commitments?
The season will start the week of June12th. The team will practice and attend mandatory weekly training classes during the summer. They will also be responsible for attending all choreography sessions. The team will have mandatory weekly training classes August-January, subject to maintaining IHSA compliance. Starting mid-February, the team will resume with weekly practices and continue the mandatory training classes. If the team receives a Worlds Bid, the season will end at the Dance Worlds (April 27th-April 29th, 2024).
The Senior All Stars will be required to attend a Break The Floor dance convention fall of 2023. Dependent on dates and availability, Senior All Star members may be required to attend a College Combine or a similar dance team recruiting event.
How many competitions will the team attend?
The team will attend two regional competitions in March-April 2024, with the goal of receiving a Worlds Bid. If the team receives a Worlds Bid, they would attend the Dance Worlds (April 27th-April 29th, 2024).
Who is coaching the team?
Jackie Graney & Rachel Rosales
Dancers will also have access to numerous training courses with a broad range of experienced industry professionals in the areas of ballet, PBT, technique, conditioning and the like.
How many routines and what styles?
The team will learn and compete two routines in accordance with USASF guidelines and categories. Routine genres will be decided once the team is selected.
How can being on the Studio 22 Senior All Star Team benefit dancer’s college recruitment?
Dancers will have the opportunity to train with experienced and industry-connected dance professionals to develop versatility and expand upon their technical and movement training. These mandatory training courses will deepen dancers' technical skills, while also providing increased endurance, flexibility, movement quality and overall refinement. Through consistent training and exposure to numerous industry professionals, dancers will be given pointed feedback on individual improvements needed to help benefit them in the recruitment process. In addition, through (anticipated) competition at Worlds, dancers will gain meaningful experience competing on an international stage against the best of the best.
Beyond refinement of dance skills and performance quality, the Studio 22 staff knows the importance of communication, presentation and dedication when collegiate coaches are looking to fill their rosters. Because of this, Studio 22 Senior All Star dancers will have the ability to leverage skilled staff for insight into interview tips, written communication opportunities, and tryout prep materials. Through participation in Studio 22 Senior All Stars dancers will be given a full scope of support based on the team, and each individual's collegiate goals.
How does it work, if I’m on a High School Dance Team?
Dancers will learn competitive choreography during the IHSA Dance Team off-season. During the Fall- Winter, dancers will attend mandatory training courses subject to a minimum number of training hours. Selection of training courses will be determined based on team composition, but may include: ballet, PBT, conditioning, technique, combo class, etc. After the IHSA dance team's last competition date, dancers will practice and compete with the Studio 22 Senior All Stars through USASF Worlds. To the extent possible, Studio 22 will work with IHSA Dance Team schedules to ensure proper training while also allowing dancers to compete with their High School.
How does it work, if I’m NOT on a High School Dance Team?
Dancers not on a sanctioned IHSA Dance Team, will train all season with Studio 22. This will include mandatory training courses and practice, subject to team composition. Dancers who are age eligible for our Junior-aged all star team (Junior All Stars), may also be selected to compete, train and further their development with the Junior All Stars. Dancers who are not age eligible for Junior All Stars will have the option to be involved in leadership development and assistant teaching opportunities. Further, if there are 10 or more dancers who are NOT on a High School Dance Team, these dancers may be eligible to compete earlier in the season via a third routine at the sole discretion of the Studio 22 staff.
How does it work, if I’m on a studio dance company?
Dancers on a studio dance company outside of Company 22, will attend mandatory training courses subject to a minimum number of training hours. Selection of training courses will be determined based on team composition, but may include: ballet, PBT, conditioning, technique, combo class, etc. Dancers will practice and compete with the Studio 22 Senior All Stars through USASF Dance Worlds. To the extent possible, Studio 22 will work with outside dance company schedules to ensure proper training while also allowing dancers to compete with their studio’s dance company.
*Information contained herein may be modified at the sole discretion of the Studio 22 staff.